(民國108年5月28日)15:00~16:30英文專題演講:Frequency Modulated and Rate Integrating MEMS Gyroscope
發佈日期:2019-05-16 10:46:39



l  時間:05/28/2019 (星期二) 下午 15:00-16:30

l  地點:國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 工程一館 108

l   宗旨

2013 年多位在微感測器與致動器領域有豐富經驗的清大教授在科技部的支持下推動「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟(Micro Sensors and Actuators Technology Consortium, mSAT),希望透過整合學研界的資源和經驗,協助業界解決相關技術問題、提供設備的支援、技術的轉移、及人才的培育。本聯盟已陸續邀請微系統專家,舉辦多場免費專題演講。也歡迎微系統業者,踴躍加入本聯盟,一起努力提升我國技術水準與國際競爭力。

l   演講內容

  A frequency modulated (FM) and rate integrating (RI) gyroscope has unique properties such as unlimited bandwidth, excellent linearity and no temperature sensitivity. Therefore, it is expected as a next-generation high performance gyroscope.

  An independently controlled CW and CCW mode oscillations on a degenerated MEMS resonator is one of the methods to realize the FM/RI gyroscope, which can measures both angular rate and rotation angle simultaneously. This method can completely eliminate the temperature dependency of the material (Silicon), and has a potential of quite large bandwidth. In addition, the frequency and quality factor mismatch, which causes measurement error, can be easily compensated by this technique.

  In this seminar, the speaker will introduce the basic principle of the CW/CCW mode separation, control system of the FM/RI gyroscope, experimental results and some methods to reduce a mode-mismatch effect.


l   講員簡介

  Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto received his master’s degree in 2002 in thermal engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology. He worked at Ishikawajima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. from 2002 to 2007 as a researcher. He received his master’s degree and Ph.D. in microelectromechnical systems from Tohoku University in 2009 and 2012, respectively.

  Currently he is an associate professor in the department of Robotics, Graduate School of Engineering at Tohoku University. His research interests are micro-scale heat transfer, thermal sensing and MEMS inertial sensors.







Frequency Modulated and Rate Integrating MEMS Gyroscope

Prof. Takashiro Tsukamoto


Tea Break and Networking



l  參加對象:對微系統領域有興趣之業界及學研界人士

l      額:由於座位有限,名額僅 100

             請於 2019524 前上網報名 http://goo.gl/forms/yfaIfF44UY

l      用:一律免費

l  聯絡方式:林金慧 小姐  國立清華大學動機系
             Email: ch.lin@mx.nthu.edu.tw 
電話: (03) 574-2494

             方維倫 講座教授  國立清華大學動機系

             Email: fang@pme.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2923

主辦單位:國立清華大學微感測器與致動器產學聯盟 (網址: http://www.usat.org.tw/)

SEMI Taiwan (網址:http://www.semi.org/ch/)



