(民國112年9月12日)英文專題演講MEMS 技術與應用趨勢研討會
(民國112年7月12日)英文專題演講Commercialization of PMUT-based Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Range Sensors
  國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」活動公告 l  時間:07/12/2023 (星期三) 下午 14:00-15:30 l  地點:國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 工程一館 108 室 l   宗旨   2013 年多位在微機電領域有豐富經驗的清大教授,於科技部的支持下成立「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」(Micro Sensors and Actuators Technology Consortium, mSAT)。多年來聯盟透過整合學研界的資源和經驗,協助業界解決技術問題、提供設備支援、及技轉和人才培育等,也陸續邀請數十位國內外微系統專家學者,舉辦專題演講。今年因為疫情趨緩,聯盟準備開始舉辦活動,促進國內產學研界的交流,歡迎參加。 也歡迎國內微系統業者,踴躍加入本聯盟,一起努力提升我國技術水準與國際競爭力。   l   演講內容     Ultrasonic sensors based on bulk piezoelectric ceramics are widely used in range-finding applications today. We invented and brought into mass-production a new type of ultrasonic sensor based on a piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer (PMUT) combined with a custom application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) in a 3.5 x 3.5 x 1.25 mm3 package. Originally conceived in a university research project, we started a company, Chirp Microsystems (now part of TDK), to bring these sensors into mass production. The sensor’s signal processing ASIC incorporates a programmable microprocessor, enabling the sensor to perform various application-specific algorithms, from basic time-of-flight range-finding to human presence detection. Relative to competing range sensors based on infrared time-of-flight, PMUT-based ultrasonic ToF sensors have numerous advantages, including much lower supply current (10 µA from a 1.8V supply), the ability to operate in direct sunlight, and the ability to detect transparent or black targets. I will also discuss the lessons learned in starting a deep-tech company and bringing an invention from the university laboratory to mass production.     l   講員簡介     時間 項目 講員 13:30-14:00 報到   14:00-15:00 Commercialization of PMUT-based Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Range Sensors Prof. David Horsley (Northeastern University, USA) 15:00-15:30 Tea Break and Networking     l  參加對象:對微系統領域有興趣之業界及學研界人士 l  名    額:由於座位有限,名額僅 100 人              請於 2023年7月10日 前上網報名 https://forms.gle/R6FGrvWfdX7paQtF9 l  費    用:一律免費 l  聯絡方式:林金慧 小姐  國立清華大學動機系              Email: ch.lin@mx.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2494              方維倫 講座教授  國立清華大學動機系              Email: fang@pme.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2923 主辦單位:國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」 (網址: http://www.usat.org.tw/) SEMI Taiwan (網址:http://www.semi.org/ch/) 協辦單位:國立清華大學動機系、國立清華大學奈微所、國立清華大學工學院產學研合作聯盟
(民國112年5月24日)中文專題演講ScAlN MEMS for Sensing and Frequency Control
  國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」活動公告 l  時間:05/24/2023 (星期三) 下午 14:00-15:30 l  地點:國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 工程一館 106 室 l   宗旨 2013 年多位在微機電領域有豐富經驗的清大教授,於科技部的支持下成立「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」(Micro Sensors and Actuators Technology Consortium, mSAT)。多年來聯盟透過整合學研界的資源和經驗,協助業界解決技術問題、提供設備支援、及技轉和人才培育等,也陸續邀請數十位國內外微系統專家學者,舉辦專題演講。今年因為疫情趨緩,聯盟準備開始舉辦活動,促進國內產學研界的交流,歡迎參加。 也歡迎國內微系統業者,踴躍加入本聯盟,一起努力提升我國技術水準與國際競爭力。   l   演講內容 Scandium Aluminium Nitride (ScAlN) is a promising piezoelectric material with outstanding features such as CMOS BEOL compatible, low loss at high frequency, as well as customizable coupling coefficient with varying scandium concentrations. In this talk, I will present the ScAlN thin film and MEMS platforms developed at IME. Various devices and applications will be show cased. Furthermore, I will share about the Lab-in-Fab which is a joint initiative by IME, STMicroelectronics and Ulvac aiming to offer a direct path from piezoelectric MEMS concepts to volume production. (中文演講)   l   講員簡介 Dr. Zhu Yao is the Head of MEMS department in Institute of Microelectronics (IME), A*STAR Singapore. Her current research interests include MEMS devices for sensing, actuating and communication applications. Zhu Yao received her Ph.D. degree from Nanyang Technological University in 2015. She is actively involved in IEEE societies such as associate editor for IEEE MEMS Journal, committee member of IEEE Solid State Circuit Society Singapore Chapter & IEEE Nanotechnology Technical Council, technical sub-committee member of IEEE IEDM 2023 and IEEE MEMS 2023. She is the recipient of SEMI MEMS & Sensors Industry Group Emerging Leaders Awards 2022.   時間 項目 講員 13:30-14:00 報到   14:00-15:00 ScAlN MEMS for Sensing and Frequency Control Dr. Zhu Yao (IME, A*STAR, Singapore) 15:00-15:30 Tea Break and Networking       l  參加對象:對微系統領域有興趣之業界及學研界人士 l  名    額:由於座位有限,名額僅 100 人              請於 2023年5月22日 前上網報名 http://goo.gl/forms/yfaIfF44UY l  費    用:一律免費 l  聯絡方式:林金慧 小姐  國立清華大學動機系              Email: ch.lin@mx.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2494              方維倫 講座教授  國立清華大學動機系              Email: fang@pme.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2923 主辦單位:國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」 (網址: http://www.usat.org.tw/) SEMI Taiwan (網址:http://www.semi.org/ch/) 協辦單位:國立清華大學動機系、國立清華大學奈微所、國立清華大學工學院產學研合作聯盟
(民國112年5月18日)Machine-learning-based Design of Amorphous Polymer Electret for Vibration Energy Harvesting英文專題演講
  國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」活動公告 l  時間:05/18/2023 (星期四) 下午 14:00-15:30 l  地點:國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 工程一館 108 室 l   宗旨 2013 年多位在微機電領域有豐富經驗的清大教授,於科技部的支持下成立「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」(Micro Sensors and Actuators Technology Consortium, mSAT)。多年來聯盟透過整合學研界的資源和經驗,協助業界解決技術問題、提供設備支援、及技轉和人才培育等,也陸續邀請數十位國內外微系統專家學者,舉辦專題演講。今年因為疫情趨緩,聯盟準備開始舉辦活動,促進國內產學研界的交流,歡迎參加。 也歡迎國內微系統業者,踴躍加入本聯盟,一起努力提升我國技術水準與國際競爭力。   l   演講內容 Energy harvesting from human motion is suitable for powering battery-less wearable devices. In such applications, electret energy harvesters (EH) have advantages over other type of EHs due to the fact that low-frequency motion is dominant. In this talk, development of new electret materials based on quantum chemical analysis and machine learning are presented, and their application to rotational/stretchable electret EH are introduced. In the last 90 years since the first development of electret using Carnauba wax, electret materials have been developed by heuristic approach. In the present study, for the first time, a novel high-performance amorphous fluorinated polymer electret based on quantum chemical analysis and machine learning is proposed. A new electret material based on CYTOP thus obtained offers a record-high surface charge density with extremely-high thermal stability of implanted charges. In addition, novel stretchable electret material based on amorphous fluorinated polymer is also discussed. As an application of the developed CYTOP electret, a novel low-profile rotational electret EH is prototyped. Output power up to 1 mW has been obtained at a low rotational speed of 1 rps with only 3 mm in thickness. Evaluation of the rotational EH for human walking is also discussed.   l   講員簡介    Prof. Yuji Suzuki received the B.S., M.S., and Dr.Eng. degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1987, 1989, and 1993, respectively. He is currently with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Tokyo, as a Professor. He received IEEE Fellow, Fellow of Combustion Institute, and Fellow of JSME. He serves as Steering Committee Member of PowerMEMS Conference, Organizing Committee member of IEEE International Symposium on Electret (ISE). He also served as the general co-chair of IEEE MEMS 2010 (Hong Kong) and the general chair of PowerMEMS 2017 (Kanazawa). His research interests include MEMS-based energy harvesting using electrets, micro energy conversion such as microscale combustion, and optimal design/control of micro heat and fluid flow. 時間 項目 講員 13:30-14:00 報到   14:00-15:00 Machine-learning-based Design of Amorphous Polymer Electret for Vibration Energy Harvesting Prof. Yuji Suzuki (Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo) 15:00-15:30 Tea Break and Networking   l  參加對象:對微系統領域有興趣之業界及學研界人士 l  名    額:由於座位有限,名額僅 100 人              請於 2023年5月16日 前上網報名 https://forms.gle/R6FGrvWfdX7paQtF9 l  費    用:一律免費 l  聯絡方式:林金慧 小姐  國立清華大學動機系              Email: ch.lin@mx.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2494              方維倫 講座教授  國立清華大學動機系              Email: fang@pme.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2923 主辦單位:國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」 (網址: http://www.usat.org.tw/) SEMI Taiwan (網址:http://www.semi.org/ch/) 協辦單位:國立清華大學動機系、國立清華大學奈微所、國立清華大學工學院產學研合作聯盟
(民國112年4月26日)Labs and Organs on Chip for Health and Environment英文專題演講
  國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」活動公告 l  時間:04/26/2023 (星期三) 下午 13:30-15:30 l  地點:國立清華大學動力機械工程學系 工程一館 106 室 l   宗旨 2013 年多位在微機電領域有豐富經驗的清大教授,於科技部的支持下成立「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」(Micro Sensors and Actuators Technology Consortium, mSAT)。多年來聯盟透過整合學研界的資源和經驗,協助業界解決技術問題、提供設備支援、及技轉和人才培育等,也陸續邀請數十位國內外微系統專家學者,舉辦專題演講。今年因為疫情趨緩,聯盟準備開始舉辦活動,促進國內產學研界的交流,歡迎參加。 也歡迎國內微系統業者,踴躍加入本聯盟,一起努力提升我國技術水準與國際競爭力。   l   演講內容 The recent rapid developments in bionanotech and micro/nanofluidic technologies has enabled the realization of miniaturized laboratories. These Labs-on-a-Chip will play an important role in future medicine, both in point-of-care devices for drug or biomarker monitoring, as well as in early diagnostic devices. Microfluidics can also be exploited to manipulate and experiment with cells on chip. We have developed a microsystem for sperm analysis and selection for artificial insemination, where we can electrically detect and sort healthy sperm cells. Apart from diagnostic and cell manipulation devices, microfluidic devices are increasingly used to realise advanced disease and organ-models, as illustrated by the blood-brain barrier chip, a blood vessel on a chip to study atherosclerosis and cancer spheroids on chip for dynamic drug dosing. These Organs on Chip may lead to more rapid and cheaper drug development, personalised medicine and improved disease models, while minimizing or even eliminating animal testing (3R principle). We have developed a Translational Organ on Chip Platform (TOP) that enables simple plug and play connection of different Organ on Chip modules to a fluidic base plate. Finally, a microfluidic impedance spectroscopy system will be presented that can monitor the calcification of coccolithophores (algae), which plays an important role in the oceanic carbon cycle.   l   講員簡介 Prof. Albert van den Berg current research interests are micro/nanofluidics, Labs on Chip and sensing for health and sustainability and Organs on Chip. From 2014-2018 he was scientific director of the MIRA institute for Biomedical Eng. In 2017 he became co-PI of the Max Planck – U. of Twente Center for Complex Fluid Dynamics. In 2018 he became (co)director of MESA+ institute for Nanotechnology. He has been editor of Sensors and Actuators B, cofounding member of the editorial board of the RSC journal Lab on a Chip, founding member of EUROoCS, the European Organ on Chip Society and founding director of the CBMS, the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society. In 2022 he was elected member of the SATW (CH). 時間 項目 講員 13:30-13:45 報到   13:45-15:00 Labs and Organs on Chip for Health and Environment Prof. Albert van den Berg (University of Twente, The Netherlands) 15:00-15:30 Tea Break and Networking   l  參加對象:對微系統領域有興趣之業界及學研界人士 l  名    額:由於座位有限,名額僅 100 人              請於 2023年4月24日 前上網報名 http://goo.gl/forms/yfaIfF44UY l  費    用:一律免費 l  聯絡方式:林金慧 小姐  國立清華大學動機系              Email: ch.lin@mx.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2494              方維倫 講座教授  國立清華大學動機系              Email: fang@pme.nthu.edu.tw  電話: (03) 574-2923 主辦單位:國立清華大學「微感測器與致動器產學聯盟」 (網址: http://www.usat.org.tw/) SEMI Taiwan (網址:http://www.semi.org/ch/) 協辦單位:國立清華大學動機系、國立清華大學奈微所、國立清華大學工學院產學研合作聯盟
共有 34 筆活動消息 ,共 7 頁 目前在第